Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Big Day Tomorrow

I have a big day tomorrow as I have an interview with Community Living in Bracebridge. The position is for the same type of work that I do now part-time. It is another part-time position and I hope to get it. I also work with the SIL program in the afternoon and then I work at the paper mill overnight. I guess it is good to be busy since I am showing signs of cabin fever and am pretty bored right now.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Tale of A Drunk Snowmobiler

The other night my girlfriend and I were drive down a country road that was poorly lit. We encountered a guy on a snowmobile who look to be intoxicated. He used my headlights to help guide him and was waving across the road. Yes, I know they ride better on snow but he also stood on the seat at one point. Not to mention that that he wiped out three times and was feeling no pain. (Believe me from what I saw it would have injured me if I did that). He was minus a helmet on it was very chilly outside.

I know it scared both of us as we didn't know what he was doing and I could of easily smashed into him or run him over. We also weren't sure if he was maybe setting us up to rob us or whose.
It just brings up a few things Like vehicles and intoxicants don't mix. That there really should be a crackdown since I doubt very sadly this isn't an insolated incident and is one more driving hazard up here which we need like a hole in the head.

At least I can say that my week wasn't dull at all and gives me a stroy to tell my grandchildren someday.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Snow Day

We are getting a blizzard up here today. Apparently, as much as 5 cm of snow is supposed to fall by the end of day. It has derailed some of my plans but I do have to go into work today for a few hours. Other than that it will be a quiet day at home for now. I just hope it will stop for tonight.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My Driving Pet Peeves

I took a course today on Driver improvement as part of my training for work and we got to talk about our pet peeves when driving. I have come up with a few.

People who don't signal when changing lanes or making a turn.

People who talk on cell phones and are obviously not paying attention to the road.

Truck drivers who tailgate you because they supposely in a hurry.

People who turn right in front of you in an intersection and then proceed to drive slowly.

People behind youwho honk at you a split second after the light turns green.

Truckers in a hurry who splater your windshield in snowy and/or wet weather.

There are my main ones and I'm sure there are others but it's getting late.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

O Gracious and Holy Father

O gracious and holy Father,
give us wisdom to perceive Thee,
intelligence to understand Thee,
dilgence to seek Thee,
patience to wait for thee,
eyes to behold Thee,
a heart to mediate upon Thee,
and a life to proclaim Thee;
through the power of the Spirit
of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Benedict of Nursia

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The Latest

It is still cold outside. I was supposed to go to a course today but it got canelled which is just as well. I have to work tonight anyways and see the guy I'm helping look after this afternoon. I just hope I have enough energy for today and tonight. In the meantime I will have some rest.