Tuesday, June 30, 2009

An Early Greeting

I know this is a day early but HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!!!!

Monday, June 29, 2009

My Past Weekend

I just spent the weekend with my family and had a very good time. It was nice to see my sister and her husband again as well as everyone else. It was also a great meal that we had.The only problem I had with it was it went by to fast as it always does. I also went to a Presbyterian church on Sunday and meet a nice man who introduced me to other members of the congregation. He is originally from indonesia and I got to talk to him for a while.I also got to stay for lunch and had a good time. I almost felt bad that I had to leave to return home but it was a great experience.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Year Older

Today I turn the age of 34 and while not exactly old I'm not amazed how fast that time goes by. I guess this quote is true.
"Life goes by very fast and if you don't stop and look around once in a while you will miss it"
Matthew Broderick in Ferris Bueller's Day Off

Friday, June 19, 2009

Heatwave Coming

Just looking forward to the heatwave coming our way next week as the weather is very sunny here. Also, looking at another weekend of work.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Finshing Well

I did a message last Sunday on this topic and it got me thinking now easy it is to start in the faith but is much more difficult to continue in it. Like the parable of the sower Matthew 13:1-9 many receive the seed which represents the word of God but it either takes no root or if it does take root it withers up and dies quickly. Only a few of these seeds take solid root and grow into healthy plant life just as a small amount of believers grow into productive and faithful servants right to the end. People get sidetracked into the cares of this world,liberal theology or just neglect Bible reading and prayer and fall by the wayside. It is said that less than 1% of people who commit their lives to the Lord at a Billy Graham crusade become committed Christians for life. It makes wonder has the church failed in it's teaching or has a secular world blind many from the truth and have stirred others in the wrong direction.
There is the story of John Stephen Aquara a marthon runner from Tanzania who was injured in running a race in the 1968 Summer Olympics. Despite, he injuries which left him barely able to walk let alone run he continued in spite of having on chance to win. When asked why he continued he said" My country sent me here not to start the race but to finish it".
Are we here to start the race or finish it.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Killing Time

Not a whole lot going on except summer is finally here at least today and I'm just killing time between shifts. I would like to work closer to home but right now it is good as I find on this library computer that I can focus more than I would at home. Anyways, I promise my next blog will be more exciting.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


The title says all as I am doing a shift today and working at the factory tonight. Then I go to my in-laws for a Birthday bash for my nephew and father-in-law. I will be staying the weekend there and then I will be preaching Sunday night. At least I get a few days off and it may not seem like a lot but time doesn't seem to be an ally of mine.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Waiting For Summer

There is nothing new going on except that I am home today after having worked the weekend looking at the gray (or is it grey) weather outside. I am anxiously for summer to arrive and the weather that comes with it.

Friday, June 05, 2009

My Return To Blogville

I'm back. Part of reason I haven't posted in so long is that I have had minimal access to the interest until now as I haven't had Internet at home for a long time. I have also moved twice in the last six months. So things have been chaotic lately but now that I am settled in I hope to finally post here more often.