Monday, May 22, 2006

Insight Into Life and Death

I had a good weekend as Leanne (my better half) was in town. The only bad part is I didn't get to enjoy the long weekend because I had to work Saturday and Monday but at least I got some much needed cash as a result.
We have been reading a book Come Thirsty by Max Lucado and the chapter we read was When Death Becomes Birth which is was very interesting as the basic message was for the Christian was that their death on this planet will be better than their birth. A follower of Jesus should not be afraid of death because Jesus conquered it and that there is a better place for us.
It is amazing how as a society we prepare for how we are going to live but how little people prepare for the inevitable. It is something that is feared by many but is unavoidable. I think the key is not only to be ready but to have idea where you are going. Sadly, many are unaware or uncertain of their destination.
To me it is so much looking forward or waiting for it to happen but realising that very minute in our lives should connect and we are to make the best of our time on Earth. I'll have to admit I have been a little afraid of the other side but the words of Jesus set me straight

" Verily,verily, I say unto you, He that hearth my word, and believeth on him that sent me,
hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto
(John 5:24)

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