Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Peace Over Panic

I think the impending move is strating to sink in as I feel at times that I'm going in about millions directions at once. Not to mention that worry (the old foe) is working in full force tonight as well. I still have a lot packing to do plus I still have to find a job for when I get there. Also, I want everything to go really smoothly.

However I got to spend some quiet time with the Lord and the closer I get to Him the more I feel this is the right decision for me. I just have to put my trust in Him and remember these words of Jesus:
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world
giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let
it be afraid. (John14:27)


~~ Melissa said...

Hi Jason,

Happy Birthday!
Sounds like you have some big and exciting changes coming up. No need to worry: I think you've hooked up with the greatest safety net of all.

(Aunt) Mel

J.P. said...

Happy Birthday Jase.
Are you taking a cat with you?
Enjoy every minute of the new chapter in your life.

Steven said...

Happy Birthday, Sawadee Krup, Xin Chao and God Bless You Jay.

Uncle Steve

Jay said...

Thank you all!