Sunday, March 18, 2007

Some Food for Thought

This morning I heard a very good sermon at church on the topic of the betrayal of Jesus by Judas Isaricot. The pastor used Luke 22:1-6 as the text and show how Judas betrayed Jesus. it was thought provoking in so many ways as one of the points of the message was how there is a little Judas in all of us.

The motive of betrayal was bought up as was it greed as Judas sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, was it that Judas wanted to overthrow the Romans and reestalibsh Jewish rule, that he never really believed in Jesus or just that He wasn't what he wanted Him to be. It is not known for sure but greed is at the top of the list.

The idea of us having Judas in us scares me but makes sense. We see it with people who cheat on their spouse, backstabbing at work, gossip in the church or even not being true to one's principles. There was also the idea of what Judas would be like if he were around today. He would be the one who attends church maybe is very active in it. Has a family and nice home maybe even sucessful at his job. But deep down is out for his own gain and is really insincere.

It was a good message to hear and remember in establish my faith but making sure I'm sincere in what I believe.

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