Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Book Review

I finished reading Speaking My Mind by Tony Campolo a couple weeks ago. Actually, I read in one day and finished it the same day I purchased it. It was very challenging in that he brought up a lot of issues that I tend to avoid or have approached from another angle.These include the future of mainline denominations, sexism,racism ,science,anti-American and the future of the evangelical church to name a few as the author speaks his mind on these topics. His views on Islam and homosexuality are way different then those of the norm in the evangelical Christian world. He actually helped convict me in those areas as I'll admit I have towed the "party line" in those areas which I could say was not very pious and rather intolerant.
Having read other books by the author in the past it was very thought provoking but this one did lag at times(especially the chapter on science and the fear displayed by evangelicals). I also felt that there was optimism and pessimism and the same time. As the evangelical community is just seen as a right-wing Republican supporting sub-culture. But there is the reminder the amount of social reform the church has been involved in over the years. Not the author but work but is food for thought and can either challenge or anger you depending on your view worldview.
I guess the back of the cover says it all it will either fill you with hope or scare you to death.

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