Thursday, May 25, 2006

Last Night and The Day Ahead

I entered an interesting contest last night. Workpolis a job finding has a contest that if you submit a resume on line through their resume builder you can win a trip to Europe. That would be interesting especially if you win. You get a new job and then a few months in you have to take time off you go on your trip. I can see telling the boss " Yeah, I won the trip while searching for this job".
Anyway, after seeing some of the pictures they showed of Rome, London and Barcelona I couldn't resist. Besides, I could be killing two birds with one stone as I'm looking to get out of lawn maintenance and into something more mentally simtulating. I also have been dying to see Europe for some time and I would love to win.
The weather doesn't look to promising today as the clouds are dark. The site we cut today is a big one about a city block and we have to work rain or shine. hopefully the clouds will pass over and/or the day will be shortened. I could use the extra time to catch up on some needed rest.


Lovey Dovey said...

I'd suggest that if you win both new job and trip to Europe you should be responsible and keep working. Give the trip to your dear sister - hee hee!!!

Jay said...

You wish