Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Weekend That Was

I just got back from Muskoka today. I spent the weekend with my girlfriend and her parents. We had a party for her nephew who turned four today. It was nothing fancy as we had a small BBQ with her family and we gave him his gifts which he enjoyed. Apparently, he is into dragons so needless to say that is what we got gifts with dragons or with something to do with dragons.

I also went searching for a place to live as I plan to relocate up north. The first one wasn't very promising (actually it was a bit of a dump) but the second place was nice and I just may move in. Although I need to sleep on it and I still have to find a job when I move up there. But I'm trusting in the Lord for that and I'm sure it will work out. I just need to trust fully in Him.

But overall the weekend was fun and I look forward to going back up there next week. Until then, I have a lot to think about and pray about.

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