Wednesday, June 14, 2006

A Weird Day or Just A Weird Mood

It was one of those days. Nothing bad happened but I felt like I was in frenzy mode most of the time. After work had I had to run across town to mail a couple of things and then cut my grandmother's lawn. The mower didn't have a good chute so I got grass everywhere. The weird part is I wasn't really overwhemled with stuff it just felt like a had to do a million things at once.
I'm guessing it is anxiety about my possible move.
Needless to say I don't feel like myself but I'm ok now. I just will trust the lord to guide me to where I need to go and draw my strength from Him. There will be a few changes in the next few weeks but mercifully He never changes. I just hope to get back to feeling normal again. In the meantime I will just take it easy tonight and not think about it too much.

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